Baldwin | Braeburn | Cortland | Empire | Fuji | Gala | Ginger Gold | Golden Delicious | Granny Smith | Honey Crisp | Ida Red | Jonagold | Jonathan | Kendall | Macoun | McIntosh | Mutsu | Northern Spy | Paula Red | Red Delicious | Red Gravenstein | Rome | Spencer | Yataka

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       Demeritt Hill Farm grows a wide variety of apples. The apples we carry range from the standard classics to antiques to the latest varieties. The descriptions below provide information on the kinds we grow and also gives a brief description.

       You can also use our quick guide to navigate for your needs. If you do not see the apple you are looking for, please ask us if we have it. We hope that you find the following information interesting and useful toward choosing the right type of apple for your needs.

Fun Tips and Facts


       The Baldwin apple was discovered in 1740 in the northeastern town of Wilmington, Massachusetts. Baldwin's yellow flesh is crisp, juicy, and is best used as a baking or cider apple. This apples also keeps well through the winter. Harvest for this apple begins in middle October.
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       Braeburn is an arrival from New Zealand, where it originated in 1952 as a chance seedling. It has a sweet flavor balanced with moderate tartness to produce a unique blend. It comes into harvest in late October.
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       The Cortland apple was introduced at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station back in 1898. The apple is larger than the McIntosh and ripens about two weeks later as well. This juicy apple is ideal as a dessert apple and is also a very good eating apple. The harvest for this apple begins in September and lasts through early October.
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       This apple is a cross between Red Delicious and McIntosh and was developed in 1966 by the New York State Geneva Experiment Station. The apple is extremely good looking and is popular because of its firm, crisp texture and outstanding taste. This apple is harvested starting in late September and lasts through October.
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       The Fuji apple was developed from the Red Delicious. This is a firm, fine-grained apple that is juicy and sweet. The fuji also holds up well for cooking. This apple is harvested in November.
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       The Gala apple was introduced in the 1960's to the United States from New Zealand. This apple is a cross between a Golden Delicious and an Orange Red. Gala is an excellent tasting apple and can be also used as a cooking and baking apple. The taste is sweet and provides a great aroma. The harvest for this apple begins in September.
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Ginger Gold

       The Ginger Gold was found as a chance seedling growing among twisted uprooted trees in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. It is descended from the Golden Delicious and Albermarle Pippin. This is the best of the early golden apples. It is sweet, tangy and juicy; consistently scoring very high in taste tests. Harvest begins in mid September.
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Golden Delicious

       Golden Delicious began as a chance seedling in West Virginia in the early 1900's. This apple is golden/yellow in color and has flesh that is firm, crispy and juicy making it an excellent eating and cooking apple. These apples keep but must be refrigerated. They are harvested into late October.
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Granny Smith

       Granny Smith apples have been cultivated for at least 140 years. Its origin traces to a mess of French crabapples that were tossed out in Grandmother Marie Ana Smith's Australian garden. She nurtured the serendipitous sprouts from those crabapple seeds and the rest is horticultural history. This sour apple is harvested in early November.
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Honey Crisp

       Honeycrisp was produced from a 1960 cross of Macoun and Honeygold, as part of the University of Minnesota apple breeding program to develop winter hardy cultivars with high fruit quality. Honeycrisp fruit is characterized by an exceptionally crisp and juicy texture. This apple comes into harvest in early October.
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Ida Red

       The Idared was developed by the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station in 1942. This is a cross between the Jonathon and Wagener. The apple has a crispy-crunchy flesh and is rich in flavor. It is excellent for pies, sauces, eating and baking. Idared ripens in mid to late October.
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       This apple was released by New York State's Geneva Station in 1968. The apple is a cross between the Jonathan and Golden Delicious. It is an excellent dessert or eating apple, offering a sweet-tart rich flavor. It is also a good cooking apple. Harvesting the Jonagold is in October.
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       The Jonamac apple is a cross between the Jonathan and McIntosh. It was developed in 1972 by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station. The flesh is firm, crisp, and is characterized by slight tartness. Harvest begins in late September.
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       Farmer Phillip Rick first discovered Jonathan as a chance seedling in Woodstock, New York in 1800. The apple was originally known as the Rick apple, but later named Jonathan after Jonathan Hasbrouk who first focused horticultural attention to it in 1826. This apple is harvested in early October.
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       The Kendall apple is a cross between the Zusoff and McIntosh. It was raised in 1912 by R. Wellington and introduced in 1932. This apple is larger than the McIntosh and keeps longer too. The flesh is soft, sweet, and is very juicy. This apple is ready in October.
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       This apple was developed by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in 1923 and was named after a Canadian plant researcher. The apple has white flesh and is juicy. It makes an excellent all around apple. Harvest ranges from late September into October.
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       The McIntosh was developed by John McIntosh in 1870 in Ontario, Canada. It is a cross between Fameuse and Detroit Red. These apples have white, crisp flesh that's full of juice. The apple is used for great eating, pies, cider and sauces. Harvest for this apple begins in September.
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Mutsu (Crispin)

       A cross between Golden Delicious and Indo, the Japanese seedling was developed in the 1930's and brought to the United States in the 1940's. The Mutsu is much larger in size than the Golden Delicious and when ripe, holds the same golden color. The apple is always crisp, juicy and very sweet. It makes an excellent eating and baking apple while holding up very well in storage. Harvest time for this apple begins in October.
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Northern Spy

        From New York State dating back to 1800, this large red and yellow skinned classic has crisp and juicy yellow flesh and lively, sub-acid flavor. Great for pies or fresh eating, and an excellent keeper. Harvest time for this apple begins in October.
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Paula Red

       The Paula Red was discovered around 1960 near a McIntosh block by grower Lewis Arends of Sparta, Michigan. Mr. Arends named the new variety after his wife Pauline. Paula Red has the pleasing tartness of McIntosh and a rather similar appearance with a red blush over a yellow-green background. The harvest for this apple begins in late August.
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Red Delicious

       The apple can be identified as a tall, dark red apple that has a striking appearance. The Red Delicious has a thick skin but is very juicy and somewhat tart. These apples are primarially used for eating. The harvest for Red Delicious is in October.
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Red Gravenstein

       This red-striped, tangy, sweet-tart variety is one of the few volume varieties in America introduced by Europe. Gravenstein was planted as early as 1820 in Bodega, north of San Francisco. Most early California plantings began about 1850. Gravenstein apples come into harvest late August.
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       Discovered in the 1820's along the Northern banks of the Ohio River, Rome is a thick skinned apple that makes for good eating but even better cooking. The apple is mildly tart but offers a crisp, firm, white flesh. The harvest time for this apple begins in October and lasts into November.
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       Raised in 1926 by R.C. Palmer in Summerland, British Columbia. The apple was introduced in 1959 as a cross between McIntosh and Golden Delicious. Spencer is crimson flushed, honeyed, crisp and juicy. Tall, round to conical in shape, it is medium to large in size. The tree is spreading and fairly vigorous and is slow to begin bearing, but then bears full crops annually. This dessert apple ripens in October.
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       The Yataka is a new Japanese variant of Fuji that was discovered in 1982 as a limb sport on a standard Fuji tree. Yatakas are very similar in appearance and flavor to standard Fujis. They are medium-large, firm, juicy and very sweet, with dense cream-colored flesh. This apple is harvested in late October.
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